
Organization – When a student is organized, their grades show it. This should not be overlooked.

We have all heard of how important it is to be organized. However, the truth is many students fall prey to procrastination and before you know it their work has piled up and they have fallen behind with homework, deadlines and studying.

At Efiie, organization is a part of our everyday motto. We strongly believe in its role for success. Our name “EFIIE”, comes from another facet of our belief system which is Efficiency. For us, efficiency begins with a clear understanding of what it means and what is takes to be organized.

When you become a client at Efiie, we not only take you by the hand through the application process, but each semester through semester, we help you to be and remain organized. Why? Each one of those grades per semester affects your overall application package. That is why we believe in an “all hands on deck” approach to application positioning.

We believe the work application should start long before a student even begins to fill out an application to university. In fact, we think it should start as early as 9th grade. Why? Because we have seen what that consistent preparation and organization does to enable a student to excel. Our clients that return to us each semester attain the highest grade points average and their overall stress is reduced significantly by the assistance we provide in helping them get and stay organized.
Click here to view our Organization Packages.

Click Here to schedule your free 30 mins Organization Assessment today! *Space Limited


Efiie continues to be a global education consulting firm. Choose an office nearest you tocontact us.